
データリカバリーエキスパート株式会社 パソコンが壊れた。。災害にあった。 大事なファイルが!


ATL DATA RECOVERY SERVICE ックは世界中で、データ復旧プロバイダーの先駆者として、より迅速に、そしてより安全に、消去、ドライブ破壊・破損等でアクセス不能となったデータを復旧します。

10年を超える経験に加え、世界2箇所に最先端データ復旧ラボ、LTO-5/クラス100クリーンルームを設置し、ATL DATA RECOVERY SERVICEクは最先端の復旧技術やサービスをお客様に提供していきます。

今すぐお電話 66 81318 4466 / 無料見積りはこちら


ATL DATA RECOVERY SERVICEクでは、データ復旧サービスの一環として、オントラックベリファイルを用い、復旧可能データの調査レポートを提供させて頂きます。これにより最終的なお支払い・復旧作業に進む前に、どのデータが復旧できるかお客様に明確にし、的確な判断をしていただけます。

  • データ復旧サービスの種類
  • システムで探す
  • ノートパソコンのデータ復旧
  • デスクトップパソコンのデータ復旧
  • サーバー機のデータ復旧
  • RAID のデータ復旧
  • NAS Buffalo Synnology Qnap ETC. のデータ復旧
  • VMware仮想環境のデータ復旧
  • オペレーティングシステムのデータ復旧
  • アップルメディアのデータ復旧
  • データ復旧サービスで探す
  • メディアで探す
  • メディアで探す
  • モバイルデバイスのデータ復旧
  • テープのデータ復旧
  • データ復旧サービス
  • データの種類にて探す
  • データベース復旧
  • 暗号化キーのデータ復旧
  • クラウドのデータ復旧
  • E メールのデータ復旧 PST / Outlook
  • ファイルのデータ復旧
  • デジタル写真のデータ復旧
  • SQLのデータ復旧

今すぐお電話 66 81318 4466 / 無料見積りはこちら


Western Digital(ウェスタンデジタル)製のハードディスクの故障は、他のデータ復旧サービス会社では復旧が不可でも、弊社ではデータを復旧できる可能性が残されていることがよくあります。そして、WDだけでなくSAMSUNGのHDD(一部Seagate製として販売されているサムソン製品も含む)にもその傾向があります。



Canon EOS-1D、EOS 5D Mark II や Mark IIIなどで利用されるCF(コンパクトフラッシュ)のフォーマット(初期化)や削除された動画ファイルの復旧にも対応しています。 データ復旧ソフトや他社様をご利用になられたプロカメラマンの方々からも、結婚式のムービー撮影データの復旧をご依頼頂いております。


動画ファイル形式は、mov, mp4, m4vなど。カメラはCanon, SONYなど。




Step 1: Free Consultation

If you have lost important files or data that needs recovering then the first step is to request a free consultation with one of our data recovery representatives. You can do this by filling out our Free Quote Form or by calling +66 81 318 4466.

During the consultation we will:

  • Assess your data loss situation to determine the best, most cost effective solution and pricing options – we provide tips and advice to ensure that you handle our hardware in a manner that reduces further damage and maximises the recovery potential. We may also provide advice such as contacting the hardware manufacturer to see if the cost of the recovery is covered under the product warranty or suggest running our software solution on the drive prior to sending it in for a full recovery service.
  • We will discuss service level options (standard, priority, emergency or remote data recovery) and provide you with a price range for your data recovery service and advise on the next steps to take.

Step 2: In-Lab Media Evaluation and Quote

After receiving your media, our Data Recovery Evaluation Team will access your media and provide an expert opinion. Our Customer Service Representative will then contact you and go through the specifics of your data recovery case – they will provide you with recovery options and a fixed pricing quote. The free evaluation applies for single hard drives (HDD). Other media may have an evaluation charges.

Step 3: Data Recovery

Once you approve the fixed quote you will be sent a data recovery contract to fill out and return. On receipt of the contract ATL Recovery will start your recovery.

During the recovery process our engineers will perform repairs and recovery of data using over 120 proprietary tools. You will also be given access to our customer portal ATL Support Online that allows you to track your job’s progress, status and ongoing details of your recovery service in real-time.

Step 4: Data Return and Support

Once the data has been recovered we will deliver the recovered data on an encrypted external hard drive. You will be provided with some simple instructions on how to access the recovered data and if you require additional assistance then we have world-class customer service and technical support staff available for assistance.

ATL Recovery provide a flexible range of data recovery services designed to meet your needs for a quick recovery, the highest data security and the best engineers available to get your data restored and your systems back up and running.

ATL Recovery has a transparent data recovery process with no hidden costs. The evaluation process will ensure that you know exactly what is recoverable before deciding to go through with the data recovery.

We offers several data recovery service levels to accommodate every situation, budget and urgency. Turnaround times are dependent on the complexity of the data loss. The table reflects typical or average turnaround times.

  • Standard 5-10 Business Days
  • Emergency Worked on 24/7, until job is completed (within 3 days)
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Frequently Asked Questions

Data Recovery Services

Q: Is ATL Recovery’s Data Recovery Services just for Seagate’s / WD’s customers?
A: We provide data recovery services for all drive types and brands.
Q: How does Data Recovery pricing work?
A: You pay a flat engagement fee per drive. If our recovery team is able to save data from your hard drive, we subtract the evaluation fee from the total cost of the recovery.
Q: What will happen to my old hard drive if I send it to you?
A: If your data is recoverable, we return the data to you on a new Seagate / WD hard drive. Your damaged drive will be recycled safely and securely in an environmentally responsible manner.
Q: After I pay for an evaluation of my drive(s) and send to ATL Recovery, how can I keep track of the case status?
A: We keep you informed of your case status by sending you email updates on a regular basis until the return media is shipped to you. You can also check the status of your case via the online tracker at www.atlrecovery.net/support/
Q: How do I submit a data recovery request for a multi-drive system?
A: If you have a 2-drive RAID system, you will select RAID 2 for the media type field on the submission form. If you have a 4-drive RAID system, you will select RAID4 for the media type field on the submission form and so on
Q: What is the media category for a Network Attached System (NAS) on the submission form?
A: Please submit single drive NAS as a “Single HDD” (Hard Disk Drive) and multiple drive NAS as a RAID+number relating to the number of drives.
Q: If I lost data on one of the RAID drives, why do I have to send in all of the RAID drives for recovery?
A: In most RAID disk failures, the failure isn’t a complete catastrophe and the user can still easily access data within the RAID. RAID systems are typically used for speed and/or redundancy of data. As a result, they can sometimes have a catastrophic failure, such as corruption of the RAID array or multiple disk failure in which your data isn’t accessible. If this type of failure occurs, and you are not able to see the redundant mirror image of the data within the RAID, something serious has happened. In this scenario, rebuilding the array with each independent disk included is the only way possible. For that reason, you will need to send in all of the RAID drives for recovery.
Q: How should I package my media and ship it to ATL Recovery Services?

A: If you are shipping an internal drive, please make sure to wrap your media in static-free packaging.

Please do not send us a computer system, only the media device is necessary. Please check with your manufacturer’s instructions on how to safely remove the media and how this action potentially affects your product warranty.

Also, please do not send your power supplies and accessories as they will be disposed of.

Q: How do I find my recovered files on the external drive you sent me?
A: For Windows Users
In Windows, finding the “Users” folder is key to locating the important data once a recovery is complete. Searching using Windows Explorer is the simplest way of finding that folder. The “Users” folder contains the “My Pictures”, “Desktop”, “My Documents”, etc folders.

If an External drive was sent in for recovery, it will likely be the same folder organisation style as before the failure occurred. If the recovery did not retain folder structure, searches of files types can be used to locate critical information. Using search flags such as “EXT:” will search for common extensions. (Example: “EXT:.jpg” will search for all jpg files within a directory. Substituting jpg for docx, xlsx, png, etc. for each desired file type.)

B. For Mac Users
In Mac, the “Users” folder is typically where critical files will be stored, similarly to Windows. Extension searches are a little bit different in Finder. Using the drop down menus to search by “Kind” will display general file types. External drives NOT set up for Time Machine will likely be the in the same folder organisation style as before the failure.

External drives used with Time Machine Back-ups can be very tricky to locate data. Data will be spread throughout the back-up dates. Usually the most recent back-up date will contain the lost information, previous back-ups will contain data that was deleted in the past if those files are needed and cannot be located in the most recent backup. Data will be stored in a folder titled “backups.backupsdb”. From there, one must navigate the folders to find the most recent backup and locate the “Users” folder within that back up. Time Machine Recoveries can also show what should be a folder as an inaccessible file. Those files mean that in that current back-up, there were no updates from a previous back-up. In order to locate data in these situations, navigate through previous back-ups until the file is located.

Q: Why did I receive my warranty replacement drive without my recovered data on it?
A: In some cases, you may be entitled to receive 2 drives. Depending on what type of drive you purchased originally and how you requested the replacement, especially if you originally had an internal drive or NAS device. Our team wants to ensure that you are able to easily access your recovered data so we only return the data on an external Hard Drive. Your warranty replacement drive will then be separate from your data recovery drive. Chances are, the data recovery drive is on its way to you. You can always check the status of your recovery case at this link: http://www.atlrecovery.net/support/